[1] On the photon mass generation in Rarita-Schwinger QED
M. Ghasemkhani, G. Soleimani, A. Soto, R. Bufalo
The European Physical Journal C 84, 1281 (2024).
[2] Unveiling the electronic properties of BiP_3 triphosphide from bulk to graphene-based heteroestrutures by first-principles calculations
Igor. S. S. de Oliveira, Erika. N. Lima, Roberto H. Miwa, Dominike Pacine
Applied Surface Science 662, 160041 (2024).
[3] Encapsulation of vegetable oils in polylactic acid nanofibers to improve oil retention in feed aquaculture
A. M. de Alcantara, T. P. Boaventura, R. R. Paulino, P. V. Rosa, J. C. Ugucioni, J. E. Oliveira
Agriculture and Food Sciences Research 11, 2 (2024).
[4] Effects of impurities and deformations on electronic effective mass in quantum revival time within the infinite square well
C. Filgueiras, L. H. C. Borges, M. Rojas
Universe 10, 269 (2024).
[1] Quantum heat machines enabled by twisted geometry
C. Filgueiras, Moises Rojas, E. O. Silva, C. Romero
Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 20, 2450009 (2023).
[2] Perturbative aspects of CPT-even Lorentz-violating scalar chromodynamics
B. Altschul, L. C. T. Brito, J. C. C. Felipe, S. Karki, A. C. Lehum, A. Yu. Petrov
Physical Review D 107, 115002 (2023).
[3] Consumer perception of biodegradable packaging for food
A. C. S. de Oliveira, M. N. Ribeiro, J. C. Ugucioni, R. A. da Rocha, S. V. Borges
Polímeros 33, 4 (2023).
[4] Diamond in Klein geometry
R. M. Santos, L. C. T. Brito, C. Filgueiras
The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 1079 (2023).
[5] Multisensor analysis for environmental targets identification in the region of Funil dam, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil
M. C. Alves, L. Sanches, F. S. de Menezes, L. Raiza, S. L. C. Trinidade
Applied Geomatics 15, 827 (2024).
[6] Thermal pair production from photon-photon collision: Breit -Wheeler process at finite temperature
D. S. Cabral, A. F. Santos, R. Bufalo
The European Physical Journal C 83, 1113 (2023).
[7] Biodegradation, watersorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties of extruded packaging composed of cassava starch with tomato peel
A. A. R. dos Santos Cotta, L. F. Ferreira, S. V. Borges, B. de Souza Nascimento, A. A. C. Cotta, M. V. Dias
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 32, 2221 (2023).
[8] Magnetocaloric effect {Cu3}-type compounds using the Heisenberg antiferromagnetic model in a triangular ring
G. A. Antonio, J. Torrico, A. S. da Mata, S. M. de Souza, O. Rojas
Physical Review B 108, 134415 (2023).
[9] Mathematical models to explain the origin of urban scaling laws
F. L. Ribeiro, Diego Rybski
Physics Reports 1012, 1-39 (2023).
[10] Residual entropy and magnetocaloric effect in a diluted sawtooth spin model of hole-doped CuO chains
M. J. Cirino, O. Rojas, S. M. de Souza, J. Torrico, M. L. Lyra, M. S. S. Pereira
Physical Review E 107, 014141 (2023).
[11] Toward a quasiphase transition in the single-file chain of water molecules: Simple lattice model
M. Druchok, V. Krasnov, T. Krokhmalskii, T. Cardoso e Bufalo, S. M. de Souza, O. Rojas, O. Derzhko
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 104304 (2023).
[12] Effect of induced transition on the quantum entanglement and coherence in two-coupled double quantum dots system
Zakaria Dahbi, Maron F. Anka, Mostafa Mansour, Moises Rojas, Clebson Cruz
Annalen der Physik 535, 2200537 (2023).
[13] Induced CP-violation in the Euler-Heisenberg lagrangian
M. Ghasemkhani, R. Bufalo, M. N. Mnatsakanova, A. Soto
The European Physical Journal C 83, 39 (2023).
[14] Thermal quantum correlations in two gravitational cat states
Moises Rojas, Iarley P. Lobo
Universe 9, 71 (2023).
[1] Impurity-induced increase in the thermal quantum correlations and teleportation in an Ising-XXZ diamond chain
Saulo Luis Lima da Silva, Moises Rojas
arxiv: 2106.09646v1.
[1] Refuge distributions and landscape connectivity affect host-parasitoid dynamics: Motivations for biological control in agroecosystems
L. D. Fernandes, A. S. Mata, W. A. C. Godoy, C. Reigada.
PLoS One, 17 e0267037 (2022).
[2] Global mapping of volumetric water retention at 100, 330 and 15000 cm suction using the WoSIS database
M. E. Turek, L. Poggio, N. H. Batjes, R. A. Armindo, Q. J. van Lier, L. de Souza, G. B. M. Heuvelink.
Aceito: International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2022).
[3] Parametrizing field capacity as the upper limit of available water in bucket-type hydrological models
M. E. Turek, Q. J. van Lier, R. A. Armindo.
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[4] Influence of methyl groups in triphenylmethane dyes on their adsorption on biochars from coffe husks
A. E. de Castro, F. S. Marinho, M. L. Barbosa, J. R. Franca, J. Ribeiro-Soares, G. M. D. Ferreira, G. M. D. Ferreira.
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[5] Residual gauge-invariance in a massive Lorentz-violating extension of QED
B. A. Marques, A. P. Baêta Scarpelli, J. C. C. Felipe, L. C. T. Brito.
Advances in High Energy Physics 2022, 1 (2022).
[6] Data correlation structure controls pedotransfer fuction performance
M. D. Fuentes-Guevara, R. A. Armindo, L. C. Timm, A. Nemes.
Jornal of Hydrology 614, 128540 (2022).
[7] Non-local gravity in bouncing cosmology scenarios
D. Jackson, R. Bufalo
Jornal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2022, 043 (2022).
[8] Path integral analysis of the axial anomaly in Very Special Relativity
R. Bufalo, M. Ghasemkhani
Modern Physics Letters A 37, 2250002 (2022).
[9] Gauge embedding procedure: classical and quantum equivalence between dual models
B. A. Marques, B. Z. Felippe, A. P. B. Scarpelli, L. C. T. Brito, A. Y. Petrov
The European Physical Jornal C 82, 199 (2022).
[10] Amorphous solids as fuzzy crystals: A Debye-like theory of low-temperature specific heat
T. Cardoso e Bufalo, R. Bufalo, A. Tureanu
Annals of Physics 440, 168835 (2022).
[11] Generalized Rastall's gravity and its effects on compact objects
C. E. Mota, L. C. N. Santos, F. M. da Silva, G. Grams, I. P. Lobo, D. P. Menezes
International Journal of Modern Physics D 31, 2250023 (2022).
[12] Central charge criticality of charged AdS black hole surrounded by different fluids
R. B. T. Alfaia, I. P. Lobo, L. C. T. Brito
The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 402 (2022).
[13] Fuzzy modelling to describe the pollutant concentration in fluids
M. S. Alcino, S. A. B. Salgado, D. M. Pires, S. M. de Souza, R. A. Armindo, N. C. da Silva, L. C. A. Melo.
Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics 23, 1 (2022).
[14] Biochar-graphene oxide composite is efficient to adsorb and deliver copper and zinc in tropical soil
J. S. da Silva Carneiro, D. A. da Costa Leite, G. M. de Castro, J. R. Franca, L. Botelho, J. R. Soares, J. E. de Oliveira, L. C. A. Melo.
Journal of Cleaner Production 360, 132170 (2022).
[15] Statistical optimization for preparing nanofibrous mats of polybutylene adipate coterephthalate/poly(vinylpyrrolidone) blends by solution blow spinning
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[16] Agricultural machinery telemetry: A bibliometric analysis
L. S. Marques, G. A. S. Ferraz, J. M. Neto, R. R. Magalhães, D. A. de Lima, J. E. Tsuchida, D. C. Fuzatto.
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[17] A carreira de engenharia física no Brasil após duas decadas de atividades
F. M. Araújo-Moreira, J. E. Tsuchida, C. Krug, L. F. M. de Almeida, R. F. I. Gomes.
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[18] One-loop calculations in CPT-even Lorentz-breaking scalar QED
A. P. Baêta Scarpelli, J. C. C. Felipe, L. C. T. Brito, A. Yu. Petrov.
Modern Physics Letters A 37, 2250100 (2022).
[19] Vacuum Cherenkov radiation at finite temperature
R. Bufalo, A. F. Santos.
Physics Letters B 832, 137231 (2022).
[20] Não localidade em teoria de campos e aplicações
D. Jackson, R. Bufalo.
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 44, e20220166 (2022).
[21] Fermionic wave functions and Grassmann fields as possible sources of dark energy
L. C. T. Brito, S. H. Pereira, L. N. Barboza, J. C. C. Felipe, J. F. Jesus.
European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields 82, 821 (2022).
[22] Emergence of quantum spin frustration in spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on a decorated honeycomb lattice
O. Rojas.
Physical Review E 106, 014109 (2022).
[23] Exploring the structural and optoelectronic properties of natural insulating phlogopite in van der Waals heterostructures
A. R. Cadore, R. de Oliveira, R. Longuinhos, V. C. Teixeira, D. A. Nagaoka, V. T. Alvarenga, J. Ribeiro-Soares, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, R. M. Paniago, A. Malachias, K. Krambrock, I. D. Barcelos, J. S. C. de Matos.
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[24] Tuning the electronic transport properties in few-layers GeP3 intercalated by Cr-atoms
I. S. S. de Oliveira, D. P. A. Deus, W. L. Scopel, R. H. Miwa.
Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 141, 115242 (2022).
[25] From subcritical behavior to a correlation-induced transition in rumor models
G. F. de Arruda, L. G. S. Jeub, A. S. Mata, F. A. Rodrigues, Y. Moreno.
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[26] The physics of cities
F. L. Ribeiro, M. Perc, H. V. Ribeiro.
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[27] Carbon nanotubes derived from waste cooking oil for the removal of emerging contaminants
M. P. Duarte, R. C. F. Silva, T. P. Viana de Medeiros, J. D. Ardisson, A. A. Ch. Cotta, R. Naccache, A. P. de Carvalho Teixeira.
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[28] Induced non-Abelian Chern-Simons effective action in very special relativity
Z. Haghgouyan, M. Ghasemkhani, R. Bufalo, A. Soto.
The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 732 (2022).
[29] Impossibility of obtaining a CP-violating Euler-Heisenberg effective theory from a viable modification of QED
M. Ghasemkhani, V. Rahmanpour, R. Bufalo, A. Soto.
The European Physical Journal C 82, 376 (2022).
[30] Voter model dynamics on networks with social features
G. G. Piva, F. L. Ribeiro, A. S. da Mata.
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[31] Modeling the linear drag on falling balls via interactive fuzzy initial value
S. A. B. Salgado, O. Rojas, S. M. de Souza, D. M. Pires, L. Ferreira.
Computational and Applied Mathematics 41, 43 (2022).
[32] Testing numeric and logarithmic scales for hydraulic-energy indices and functions to assess physical earthworm effects on soil structure
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[33] Examining the land leveling impacts on the physical quality of lowland soils in Southern Brazil
M. D. Fuentes-Guevara, R. A. Armindo, L. C. Timm, L. C. Faria.
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[1] Hydraulic energy indices reveal spatial dependence in a subtropical soil under maize crop in Southern Brazil
M. E. Turek, R. A. Armindo, O. W.
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[2] The role of fungi in the green synthesis of CdS quantum dots: nanobiotechnology applied to solar energy
T. C. Bufalo, H. Freitas, E. Dias, L. Pfenning, I. Oliveira, J. P. Silva.
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[3] Sustainable management of electricity - practices of Federal University of Lavras
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[4] More from Less? Environmental Rebound Effects of City Size
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[5] Conversion of soil water retention and conductivity parameters from van Genuchten-Mualem to Groenevelt and Grant model
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[6] Modeling the linear drag on falling balls via interactive fuzzy initial value problem
S. A. B. Salgado, O. Rojas, S. M. de Souza, D. M. Pires, L. Ferreira.
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[7] Vacuum radiationin Lifshitz QED
R. Bufalo, T. Cardoso e Bufalo.
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[8] Networks with Growth and Preferential Attachment: Modeling and Applications
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[9] O que é vida? O aspecto físico da célula viva de Erwin Schrodinger
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[10] Mathematical modeling applied to epidemics: an overview
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[11] Production of engineerined-biochar under different pyrolysis conditions for phosphorus removal from aqueous solution
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[12] On the photoconductivity behavior of emeraldine-salt polyaniline films
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[13] Flourine adsorption on floating iron nanoparticles confined to gigaporous structure of large adsorbent water spheres
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[14] Dense optical flow software to quantify cellular contractility
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[15] 20 anos da engenharia física no Brasil
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[16] Structure and mechanical propertiers of pyrope (Mg3Al2Si3O12) glass: Effect of high pressure
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[17] Magnetic switch and electronic properties in chromium-intercalated two-dimensional GeP3
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[18] Bulk and surface theoretical investigation of Nb-doped δ-FeOOH as a promising bifunctional catalyst
Lívia C. T. Lacerda, Maíra S. Pires, Igor S. S. de Oliveira, Telles C. Silva, Alexandre A. de Castro, Silviana Corrêa, Viviane S. Vaiss, Teodorico C. Ramalho.
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[19] Evaluating the Splintex model for estimating the soil water retention curve for a wide range of soils
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[20] Doping effect of Cu (II) in the adsorption of CrO42- by the Fe3O4 (111) surface: A theoretical study
Maíra S. Pires, Telles C. Silva, Lívia C. T. Lacerda, Alexandre A. de Castro, Silviana Corrêa, Igor S. S. de Oliveira, Viviane S. Vaiss, Francisco G. E. Nogueira, Teodorico C. Ramalho.
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[21] Ecological intensification of cropping systems enhances soil functions, mitigates soil erosion, and promotes crop resilience to dry spells in the Brazilian Cerrado
L. C. Moreira da Silva, J. C. Avanzi, D. S. Peixoto, M. N. Merlo, E. Borghi, A. V. de Resende, S. F. Acuña-Guzman, B. M. Silva.
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[22] Mechanical properties of layered tilkerodeite (Pd2HgSe3) and jacutingaite (Pt2HgSe3) crytals: Insights on the interlayer, intralayer interactions, and phonons
Raphael Longuinhos Monteiro Lobato, Jenaina Ribeiro-Soares.
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[23] Two coupled double quantum-dot systems as a working substance for heat machines
Jefferson Luan Diniz de Oliveira, Moises Rojas, Cleverson Filgueiras.
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[24] Reaching the Planck scale with muon lifetime measurements
I. P. Lobo, Ch. Pfeifer.
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[25] To what extent can a sediment yield model be trusted? A case study from the passaúna catchment, Brazil
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[26] Unconventional low-temperature features in the one-dimensional frustrated q-state Potts model
Yury Panov, Onofre Rojas.
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[27] Effect of glycerol on electrical conducting of chitosan/polyaniline blends
A. S. Salgado de Oliveira, T. A. Santos, Julio Cesar Ugucioni, R. A. da Rocha, S. V. Borges
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[28] Thermal dimensional reduction and black hole evaporation
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[29] Bioglass Ti coatings: Influence of thermal annealing on the evolution of calcium phosphate formation, phase and morphology
L. G. de Oliveira, A. A. Cotta, W. A. A. Macedo, W. A. Vasconcellos, A. J. Ferreira, A. N. Moreira, V. M. Barros, R. Z. Domingues, A. O. Porto.
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[30] Low-temperature pseudo-phase-transition in an extended Hubbard diamond chain
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[31] Towards low-temperature peculiarities of thermodynamic quantities for decorated spin chains
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[32] Finite size effects around pseudo-transition in one-dimensional models with nearest neighbor interaction
Onofre Rojas.
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[33] No radiative corrections to the Carrol-Field-Jackiw term beyond one-loop order
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[34] Study of electronic properties, Magnetization and persistent currents in a mesoscopic ring by controlled curve
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[35] Soil quality assessment using erosion-sensitive indices and fuzzy membership under different cropping systems on a Ferralsol in Brazil
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[36] Induce magnetization in Cu atoms at the Fe-Co/Cu3Au(001) interface: X-ray magnetic circular dichroism experiments and theoretical results
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[37] To conserve, or not to conserve: A review of nonconservative theories of gravity
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[38] Graphene coating as an effective barrier to prevent bacteria-mediated dissolution of gold
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[39] Thermoplasticized Pectin by Extrusion/Thermo-Compression for film industrial application
A. C. S. de Oliveira, L. F. Ferreira, D. O. Begali, J. C. Ugucioni, A. R. de Sena Neto, M. I. Yoshida, S. V. Borgues.
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[40] An overwiew of epidemic models with phase transitions to absorbing states running on top of complex networks
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[41] Preparation and characterization of tannin-based adhesives reinforced with cellulose nanofibrils for wood bonding
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[42] Low-temperature thermodynamics of the two-leg ladder Ising model with trimer rungs: A mystery explained
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[43] Effect of glutaraldehyde/glycerol ratios on the properties of chitosan films
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[44] Raman spectrum of layered tilkerodeite (Pb_2HgSe_3) topological insulator: the palladium analogue of jacutingaite (Pt_2HgSe_3)
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[45] Rapid soil fertility prediction using X-ray fluorencence data and machine learning algorithms
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[46] Quantum coherence, quantum Fisher information and teleportation in the Ising-Heisenberg spin chain model of the heterotrimetallic Fe-Mn-Cu coordination polymer with magnetic impurity
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[47] Soil management and diverse crop rotation can mitigate early-stage no-till compaction and improve least limiting water range in a Ferralsol
M. S. de Moura, B. M. Silva, P. K. Mota, E. Borghi, A. V. de Resende, Salvador Francisco Acuña-Guzman, G. S. S. Araujo, L. C. M. da Silva, G. C. de Oliveira, N. Curi.
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[48] Micromorphological analysis of soil porosity under integrated crop-livestock management systems
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[1] Induced Maxwell-Chern-Simons effective action in very special relativity
R. Bufalo, M. Ghasemkhani, Z. Haghgouyan, A. Soto.
The European Physical Journal C 80, 1129 (2020).
[2] Invariant approach to Weyl's unified field theory
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[3] Global monopole as a generator of a bulk-brane structure in Brans-Dicke bulk gravity
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[4] Magnetoelastic properties of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain in vicinity of a triple coexistence point
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[5] Development of zein nanofibers for the controlled delivery of essential amino acids for the fish nutrition
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[6] Quantum particle motion on the surface of a helicoid in the presence of harmonic oscillator
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[7] Higher-order one-loop renormalization in the spinor sector of minimal LV extended QED
L. C. T. Brito, J. C. C. Felipe, J. R. Nascimento, A. Y. Petrov, A. P. Baêta Scarpelli.
Physical Review D 102, 075017 (2020); arxiv: 2007.11538.
[8] Raman spectroscopy polarization dependence analysis in two-dimensional gallium sulfide
R. S. Alencar, R. Longuinhos, C. Rabelo, H. Miranda, B. C. Viana, A. G. Souza Filho, L. G. Cançado, A. Jorio, J. Ribeiro-Soares.
Physical Review B 102, 165307 (2020).
[9] Equivalency between adaptative notch filter PLL and inverse park PLL by modeling and parameter adjustment
M. J. da Silva, S. C. C. Ferreira, J. P. da Silva, M. G. dos Santos, A. L. Paganotti, L. M. Barbosa.
Aceito: IEEE Latim American Transactions.
[10] ZnO thin films design: the role of precursor molarity in the spray pyrolysis process
M. P. F. de Godoy, L. K. S. de Herval, A. A. C. Cotta, Y. J. Onofre, W. A. C. Macedo.
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[11] Effects of Gauss-Bonnet Entropy on Thermodynamics of Kiselev Black Hole
A. Jawad, I. Siddique, I. P. Lobo, W. U. Salam.
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[12] A conjecture on the relationship between critical residual entropy and finite temperature pseudo-transitions of one-dimensional models
O. Rojas.
Brazilian Journal of Physics 50, 675 (2020).
[13] A física das cidades
F. L. Ribeiro.
Revista de Morfologia Urbana 8, e00159 (2020).
[14] Evolução das leis de escala urbanas
J. V. Meirelles, C. R. Neto, F. F. Ferreira, F. L. Ribeiro, C. R. Binder.
Revista de Morfologia Urbana 8, e00168 (2020).
[15] RainfallErosivityFactor: An R package for rainfall erosivity (R-factor) determination
D. P. Cardoso, E. M, Silva, J. C. Avanzi, J. A. Muniz, D. F. Ferreira, M. L. N. Silva, S. F. Acuña-Guzman, N. Curi.
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[16] Micromorphological analysis of soil porosity under integrated crop-livestock management systems
A. M. Huf dos Reis, A. C, Auler, R. A. Armindo, M. Cooper, L. F. Pires.
Soil and Tillage Research 205, 104783 (2020).
[17] Temperature-dependent phonon dynamics and anharmonicity of suspended and supported few-layer gallium sulfide
F. V. de Araujo, V. V. Oliveira, A. C. Gadelha, T. C. V. Carvalho, T. F. D. Fernandes, F. W. N. Silva, R. Longuinhos, J. Ribeiro Soares, A. Jorio, A. G. S. Filho, R. S. Alencar, B. C. Viana.
Nanotechnology 31, 495702 (2020).
[18] Extended metastable dark energy
J. A. S. Lima, G. J. M. Zilioti, L. C. T. Brito.
Physics of the Dark Universe 30, 100713 (2020).
[20] Complex Networks: a Mini-review
A. S. da Mata.
Brazilian Journal of Physics 50, 658 (2020).
[21] Thermal entanglement and correlated coherence in two coupled double quantum dots systems
C. Filgueiras, O. Rojas, M. Rojas.
Annalen der Physik 532, 2000207 (2020).
[22] Utilizing Splintex 2.0 for estimating the soil hydraulic conductivity curve measured with instantaneous profile method
A. C. da Silva, R. A. Armindo, C. L. Prevedello.
Soil and Tillage Research 204, 104722 (2020).
[23] Estimation and mapping of field capacity in Brazilian soils
M. E. Turek, Q. de J. van Lier, R. A. Armindo.
Geoderma 376, 114557 (2020).
[24] Residual entropy and low temperature pseudo-transition for one-dimensional models
O. Rojas.
Acta Physica Polonica A 137, 933 (2020).
[25] Thin-shell wormholes in Rastall gravity
I. P. Lobo, M. G. Richarte, J. P. Morais Graça, H. Moradpour.
The European Physical Journal Plus 135, 550 (2020).
[26] Generalized Pareto Distribution applied to the analysis of maximum rainfall events in Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil
A. L. A. Martins, G. R. Liska, M. A. Cirilo, L. A. Beijo, F. S. de Menezes.
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1479 (2020).
[27] Virtual environtment for smart wheelchair simulation
Leomar Santos Marques, Ricardo Rodrigues Magalhães, Danilo Alves de Lima, Jefferson Esquina Tsuchida, Diego Cardoso Fuzzato.
IEEE Latin America Transactions 18, 12 (2020).
[28] Finite element analysis of a commercial wheelchair
Leomar Santos Marques, Ricardo Rodrigues Magalhães, Danilo Alves de Lima, Jefferson Esquina Tsuchida, Diego Cardoso Fuzzato, Ednilton Tavares de Andrade.
Disability and Rehability: Assistive Technology.
[29] Linking phosphorus sorption and magnetic susceptibility in clays and tropical soils
G. C. Poggere, V. Barrón, A. V. Inda, J. Z. Barbosa, A. D. B. Brito, N. Curi.
Soil Research 58, 430 (2020).
[30] Effects of Plank-scale-modified dispersion relations on the thermodynamics of charged black holes
I. Lobo, V. B. Bezerra, J. P. Morais Graça, L. C. N. Santos, M. Ronco.
Physical Review D 101, 084004 (2020).
[31] A simplex dispersion model for improving precision in the odds ratio confidence interval in mixture experiments
G. R. Liska, M. A. Cirillo, F. S. de Menezes, J. S. de S. Bueno Filho.
Acta Scientiarum. Technology 42, e44068 (2020).
[32] On the hypotheses of Penrose's singularity theorem under disformal transformations
E. Bittencourt, G. G. Carvalho, I. P. Lobo, L. Santana.
The European Physical Journal C 80, 265 (2020).
[33] On the relation between transversal and longitudinal scaling cities
F. L. Ribeiro, J. Meirelles, V. M. Netto, C. R. Neto, A. Baronchelli
Plos One 15, e0233003 (2020).
[34] Superior stiffness and vibrational spectroscopic signature of two-dimensional diamond-like carbon nitrides
R. Longuinhos, J. Ribeiro-Soares.
Physica E 119, 114007 (2020).
[35] Tuning the Schottky barrier height in graphene/monolayer-Ge2 van der Waals heterostructure
D. P. de Andrade, I. S. S. de Oliveira.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32, 355501 (2020).
[36] Soil water and fuel permeability of a Cambisol in southern Brazil and its spatial behavior: A case study
L. Gonçalves-Maduro, R. A. Armindo, M. E. Turek, O. Wendroth.
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[37] Use of iron mining tailing from dams for carbon nanotubes synthesis in fluidized bed for 17α-ethinylestradiol removal
Rayane Cristian Ferreira Silva, José Domingos Ardisson, Alexandre Alberto Chaves Cotta, Maria Helena Araujo, Ana Paula de Carvalho Teixeira.
Environmental Pollution 260, 114099 (2020).
[38] Preparation of mesoporous activated carbon from defective coffee beans for adsorption of fresh whey proteins
Giovanni Aleixo Batista, Maria Letícia Martins Silva, Willian de Paula Gomes, Isabelle Cristina Oliveira Neves, Paula Chequer Gouveia Mól, Jaime Vilela de Resende, Lizzy Ayra Alcântara Veríssimo, Jenaina Ribeiro Soares.
Acta Scientiarum Technology 42, e45914 (2020).
[39] Weyl's unified field theory: Perspectives for a new approach
T. A. T. Sanomiya, I. Lobo, J. B. Formiga, C. Romero.
International Journal of Modern Physics A 35, 2040005 (2020).
[40] Splintex 2.0: a physically-based model to estimate water retention and hydraulic conductivity parameters from soil physical data
Alessandra Silva, Robson André Armindo, Celso Prevedello.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 169, 105157 (2020).
[41] Conformally invariant proper time with general non-metricity
A. Delhom, I. P. Lobo, J. O. Gonzalo, C. Romero.
The European Physical Journal C 80, 415 (2020).
[42] 18- cities and Entopy: Assssing Urban Sustainability as a Problem of Coordination
V. M. Netto, J. Meirelles, F. L. Ribeiro.
Capítulo de Livro: Focal Points of Urban Sustainability (2020).
[43] Magnetic behavior of a ferroferrimagnetic ternary alloy ABρC1-ρ with a selective site disorder: Case study of a mixed-spin Ising model on a honeycomb lattice
J. Torrico, J. Strecka, O. Rojas, S. M. de Souza, M. L. Lyra.
Physical Review E 101, 032104 (2020).
[44] Spontaneous decay of a dressed harmonic oscillator inside a spherical cavity
G. Flores-Hidalgo, M. M. Silva, O. Rojas.
Brazilian Journal of Physics 50, 215 (2020).
[45] One-loop photon's effective action in the noncommutative scalar QED3
M. Ghasemkhani, R. Bufalo, V. Rahmanpour, M. Alipour.
Physical Review D 101, 025001 (2020)
[46] Coffee growing altitude influences the microbiota, chemical compounds and the quality of fermented coffees
Pâmela Mynsen Machado Martins, Nádia Nara Batista, Maria Gabriela da Cruz Pedrozo Miguel, João Batista Pavesi Simão, Jenaina Ribeiro Soares, Rosane Freitas Schwan.
Food Research International 129, 108872 (2020).
[47] Peculiarities in pseudo-transitions of a mixed spin-(1/2,1) Ising-Heisenberg double-tetrahedral chain in an external magnetic field
Onofre Rojas, Jozef Strecka, Oleg Derzhko, S. M. de Souza.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32, 035804 (2020); arXiv: 1908.07286.
[48] Machine learning based on extended generalized linear model applied in mixture experiments
G. R. Liska, M. A. Cirillo, F. S. de Menezes, J. S. S. Bueno Filho.
Aceito: Communications ib statistics-Simulation and Computation.
[49] Raman Spectrum of Layered Jacutingaite (Pt_2Hgse_3) Crystals – Experimental and Theoretical Study
R. Longuinhos , A. Vymazalová, A. R. Cabral, S. S. Alexandre, R. W. Nunes, J. Ribeiro-Soares.
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 51, 357 (2020).
[1] Machine Learning techniques in muliclass problems with application in sensorial analysis
Lilian M. de Oliveira, Fortunato S. de Menezes, Marcelo A. Cirillo, André V. Saúde, Flávio M. Borém, Gilberto R. Liska.
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 32, e5579 (2020).
[2] Thermal effects of very special relativity quantum electrodynamics
R. Bufalo, M. Ghasemkhani.
Physical Review D 100, 065024 (2019).
[3] Effects of quantum corrections on the criticality and efficiency of black holes surrounded by a prefect fluid
V. B. Bezerra, Iarley P. Lobo, J. P. Morais Graça, Luis C. N. Santos.
The European Physical Journal C 79, 949 (2019).
[4] A generalized Weyl structure with arbitrary non-metricity
Adria Delhom, Iarley P. Lobo, Gonzalo J. Olmo, Carlos Romero.
The European Physical Journal C 79, 878 (2019).
[5] The geometry of null-like disformal transformation
Iarley P. Lobo, Gabriel G. Carvalho.
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 16, 1950180 (2019).
[6] Quantum motion of a point particle in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm potential in curved space: viewpoint of scattering theory
Fabiano M. Andrade, Augusto R. Chumbes, Cleverson Filgueiras, Edilberto O. Silva.
Europhysics Letters 128, 10002 (2019); arXiv:1608.00173v1.
[7] On the onset of synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators in scale-free networks
Thomas Peron, Bruno Messias, Angélica S. Mata, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Yamir Moreno.
Physical Review E 100, 042302 (2019).
[8] Cellulose nanofibrils modification with polyaniline aiming at enhancing electrical properties for application in flexible electronics
Luiz Eduardo Silva, Pedro Ivo Cunha Claro, Rafaela Cristina Sanfelice, Mário Guimarães Júnior, Juliano Elvis de Oliveira, Júlio César Ugucioni, Daniel Souza Correa, Gustavo Henrique Denzin Tonoli.
Cellulose Chem. Technol. 53, 775 (2019).
[9] Probing spatial phonon correlation length in post-transition metal monarchalcogenide GaS using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Alencar, Raphael; Rabelo, Cassiano; Miranda, Hudson; Vasconcelos, Thiago; Oliveira, Bruno; Ribeiro, Aroldo; Plúbio, Bruno; Ribeiro-Soares, Jenaina; Souza Filho, Antonio; Cançado, Luiz Gustavo; Jorio, Ado.
Nano Letters 19, 7357 (2019).
[10] Temperature-dependent phonon dynamics of supported and suspended monolayer tungsten diselenide
Thais C. V. Carvalho, Francisco D. V. Araujo, Clenilton Costa dos Santos, Luciana M. R. Alencar, J. Ribeiro-Soares, Dattatray J. Late, Anderson Oliveira Lobo, Antonio Gomes Souza Filho, Rafael S. Alencar, Bartolomeu C. Viana.
AIP Advances 9, 085316 (2019).
[11] Modifications of electron states, magnetization and persistent current in a quantum dot by controlled curvature
Luis Fernando C. Pereira, Fabiano M. Andrade, Cleverson Filgueiras, Edilberto O. Silva.
Annalen der Physik 531, 1900254 (2019); arXiv 1905.05155.
[12] Consistency of an alternative CPT- odd and Lorentz-violating extension of QED
J. C. C. Felipe, H. G. Fargnoli, A. P. Baeta Scarpelli, L. C. T. Brito.
International Journal of Modern Physics A 34, 1950139 (2019); arXiv: 1807.00904.
[13] The effects of an Impurity in an Ising-XXZ Diamond Chain on Thermal Entanglement, on Quantum Coherence and on Quantum Teleportation
Marcos Freitas, Cleverson Filgueiras, Moises Rojas.
Annalen der Physik 531, 1900261 (2019).
[14] Alternative approach to calculate soil hydraulic-energy-indices and functions
Robson André Armindo, Ole Wendroth.
Geoderma 355, 113903 (2019).
[15] Quantum heat machines enabled by the electronic effective mass
Cleverson Filgueiras.
Results in Physics 15, 102556 (2019); arXiv: 1908.00958v1.
[16] Chitosan/Polyaniline Conductive Blends for Developing Packaging: Electrical, Morphological, Structural and Thermal Properties
A. C. S. de Oliveira, J. C. Ugucioni, R. A. da Rocha, T. A. Santos, S. V. Borgues.
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 27, 2250 (2019).
[17] On the 2D Dirac oscillator in the presence of vector and scalar potentials in the cosmic string spacetime in the context of spin and pseudospin symmetries
D. F. Lima, F. M. Andrade, L. B. Castro, Cleverson Filgueiras, E. O. Silva.
European Physical Journal C 79, 596 (2019).
[18] Microelectronic sensor for continuous glucose monitoring
R. A. S. Nascimento, M. Mulato.
Applied Physics A 125, 175 (2019).
[19] Physical assessment of a Haplohumox soil under integrated crop-livestock system
A. M. Huf dos Reis, R. A. Armindo, Luiz Fernando Pires.
Soil & Tillage Research 194, 104294 (2019).
[20] Optical absorption in complexes of abasic DNA with noble-metal nanoclusters by first principles calculations
Luiz Cláudio Carvalho, Orlando J. Silveira, Raphael Longuinhos Monteiro Lobato, Ricardo Wagner Nunes, Simone Silva Alexandre.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 1260 (2019).
[21] Spent coffee grounds as organic amendment modify hydraulic properties in a sandy Loam Brazilian soil
M. E. Turek, K. S. Freitas, R. A. Armindo.
Agricultural Water Management 222, 313 (2019).
[22] Statistical procedure for the composition of a sensory panel of blends of coffee with different qualities using the distribution of the extremes of the highest scores
M. A. Cirillo, M. F. Ramos, F. M. Borém, F. M de Miranda, D. E. Ribeiro, F. S. de Menezes.
Acta Scientiarum 41, 39323 (2019).
[23] Absence of a spontaneous long-range order in a mixed spin-(1/2, 3/2) Ising model on a decorated square lattice due to anomalous spin frustration driven by a magnetoelastic coupling
J. Strecka, Onofre Rojas, S. M. de Souza.
Physics Letters A 383, 2451 (2019); arXiv: 1904.01804v1.
[24] Investigating the preservation of π-conjugation in covalently functionalized carbon nanotubes through first principles simulations
I. S. S. de Oliveira, R. Kagimura, P. Venezuela, R. H. Miwa.
The Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 204701 (2019).
[25] Performance of the Groenevelt & Grant model for fitting soil water retention data from Brazilian soils
R. A. Armindo, Q. J. V. Lier, M. E. Turek, A. M. H. Reis, M. L. A. Melo, M. E. P. Ramos, G. M. Ono.
Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo 43, e0180217 (2019).
[26] A method to evaluate the soil bulk density of undisturbed samples with non-isodiametric shape
K. S. Freitas, R. A. Armindo, L. F. Pires, V. Swinka Filho, S. Ribeiro Junior.
Soil & Tillage Research 191, 344 (2019).
[27] Development of a low-cost automated calorimeter for determining soil specific heat
R. O. Moreno, R. A. Armindo, R. L. Moreno.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 162, 348 (2019).
[28] Universality and quasicritical exponents of one-dimensional models displaying a quasitransition at finite temperatures
Onofre Rojas, Jozef Strecka, Marcelo Leite Lyra, Sergio Martins de Souza.
Physical Review E 99, 042117 (2019).
[29] Tuning the thermal entanglement in an Ising-XXZ diamond chain with two impurities
I. M. Carvalho, S. M. de Souza, O. Rojas, M. Rojas.
Quantum Information Processing 18, 134 (2019); arXiv: 1901.07690.
[30] Monitoring the applied strain in monolayer gallium selenide through vibrational spectroscopies: A first-principles investigation
R. Longuinhos, J. Ribeiro-Soares .
Physical Review Applied 11, 024012 (2019).
[31] Correlation for a spin-1/2 Ising-XYZ diamond chain: Further evidence for quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions
I. M. Carvalho, J. Torrico, S. M. de Souza, O. Rojas, Oleg Derzhko.
Annals of Physics 402, 45 (2019); arXiv: 1808.04158v1.
[32] Persistence length convergence and universality for the self-avoiding
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Cristiano Roberto Fabri Granzotti, Fabiano Lemes Ribeiro, Alexandre Souto Martinez, Marco Antonio Alves da Silva.
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 52, 075002 (2019).
[33] Development of whey protein isolate/polyaniline smart packaging: Morphological, structural, thermal, and electrical properties
Ana Carolina Salgado de Oliveira, Julio Cesar Ugucioni, Roney Alves da Rocha, Soraia Vilela Borgues.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136, 47316 (2019).
[34] Position-dependent mass effects in the electronic transport of two-dimensional quantum systems
Felipe Serafim, F. A. N. Santos, Jonas R. F. Lima, Cleverson Filgueiras, Fernando Moraes.
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 108, 139 (2019); arXiv: 1809.04469v1.
[35] Bio-based thin films of cellulose nanofibrils and magnetite for potential application in green electronics
Ana Carolina Cunha Arantes, Luiz Eduardo Silva, Delilah F. Wood, Crislaine das Graças Almeida, Gustavo Henrique Denzin Tonoli, Juliano Elvis de Oliveira, Joaquim Paulo da Silva, Tina G. Williams, William J. Orts, Maria Lucia Bianchi.
Carbohydrate Polymers 207, 100 (2019).
[36] Geometrically frustrated Ising-Heisenberg spin model on expanded Kagomé lattice
Onofre Rojas.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 473, 442 (2019).
[37] Anomalous spin frustration enforced by a magnetoelastic coupling in the mixed-spin Ising model on decorated planar lattices
Jozef Strecka, Matús Rebic, Onofre Rojas, Sergio Martins de Souza.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 469, 655 (2019); arXiv: 1805.10534v1.
[1] Extended Methods for Several Dichotomous Covariates to Estimate the Instantaneous Risk Function of the Aalen Additive Model
Luciane Teixeira Passos Giarola, Mario Javier Ferrua Vivanco, Marcelo Angelo Cirillo, Fortunato Silva Menezes .
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 17, 27 (2018).
[2] Complex network analysis of the Brazilian power grid
G. C. Martins, L. S. Oliveira, F. L. Ribeiro, F. L. Forgerini.
Scientia Plena 14, 10 (2018).
[3] Chemical order and magnetic anisotropy in alternate Fe/Co monolayers on Cu_{3}Au(001)
A. S. Ponce, S. O. Parreiras, A. A. Cotta, G. F. M. Gomes, P. Schio, J. C. Cezar, R. Paniago, P. L. Gastelois, W. A. A. Macedo.
AIP Advances 8, 115307 (2018).
[4] Cities, from Information to Interaction
Vinicius M. Netto, Eduardo Brigatti, João Meirelles, Fabiano L. Ribeiro, Bruno Pace, Caio Cacholas, Patricia Sanches.
Entropy 20(11), 834 (2018).
[5] Criteria for the estimation of field capacity and their implications for the bucket type model
M. E. Turek, R. A. Armindo, O. Wendroth, I. Dos Santos.
Aceito: European Journal of Soil Science.
[6] Carbon stability of engineered biochar-based phosphate fertilizers
J. Carneiro, J. Lustosa Filho, B. Nardis, J. Ribeiro-Soares, Y. Zinn, L. C. Melo.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6, 14203(2018).
[7] Evolution of urban scaling: Evidence from Brazil
João Meirelles, Camilo Rodrigues Neto, Fernando Fagundes Ferreira, Fabiano Lemes Ribeiro, Claudia Rebeca Binder.
Plos One 13(10), e0204574 (2018).
[8] Thermal conductivity determination of erbium-doped crystals measured by spatially resolved confocal luminescence
A. F. G. Monte, G. A. Alves, F. A. M. Marques.
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[9] Anomalies in finite amplitudes: Two-dimensional single and triple axial-vector triangles
O. A. Battistel, F. Traboussy, G. Dallabona.
International Journal of Modern Physics A 33, 1850136 (2018).
[10] Robustness and fragility of the susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic models on complex networks
Wesley Cota, Angelica S. Mata, Silvio C. Ferreira.
Physics Review E 98, 012310 (2018); arXiv: 1804.08422v1
[11] Cidade e interação: o papel do espaço urbano na organização social
Vinicius M. Netto, João Meirelles, Fabiano L. Ribeiro.
Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana 10, 249 (2018).
[12] Higher-order one-loop contributions in Lorentz-breaking QED
A. P. Baeta Scarpelli, L. C. T. Brito, J. C. C. Felipe, J. R. Nascimento, A. Yu. Petrov.
Europhysics Letters 123, 21001 (2018); arXiv: 1805.06256v1.
[13] On the singular effects in the relativistic Landau levels in graphene with a disclination
Rosinildo Fidelis, Diego Cogollo, Edilberto O. Silva, Moises Rojas, Cleverson Filgueiras.
Communications in Theoretical Physics 70, 817 (2018).
[14] Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database
Mehdi Rahmati, … , Robson André Armindo, et al.
Earth System Science Data 10, 1237 (2018).
[15] Evaluating pedotransfer functions of the Splintex model
A. M. Huf Dos Reis, R. A. Armindo, M. F. Durães, Q. De Jong Van Lier.
European Journal of Soil Science 69, 685 (2018).
[16] Functionalized-radiolabeled hydroxyapatite/tenorite nanoparticles as theranostic agents for osteosarcoma
Marcelo Fernandes Cipestre, Michele Rocha de Rezende, Marlon Luiz Hneda, Anderson Maia Peres, Alexandre Alberto Chaves Cotta, Verônica de Carvalho Teixeira, Waldemar Augusto de Almeida Macedo, Edésia Martins Barros de Souza.
Ceramics International 44, 17800 (2018).
[17] Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites consisting of polyaniline, chitosan and tin dioxide
A. L. C. Silva, J. C. Ugucioni, S. Correa, J. D. Ardisson, W. A. A. Macedo, J. P. Silva, A. A. C. Cotta, A. D. B. Brito.
Materials Chemistry and Physics 216, 402 (2018).
[18] Noncommutative Jackiw-Pi model: One-loop renormalization
R. Bufalo, M. Ghasemkhani, M. Alipour.
Physical Review D 97, 125007 (2018); arXiv: 1804.07484.
[19] Quantum entanglement in a quasi-phase region for a spin-1/2 Ising-XYZ diamond chain
I. M. Carvalho, J. M. Torrico, S. M. de Souza, M. Rojas, O. Rojas.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 465, 323 (2018); arXiv: 1712.05621.
[20] Renormalization of Generalized Scalar Duffin-Kremmer-Petiau Electrodynamics
R. Bufalo, T. R. Cardoso, A. A. Nogueira, B. M. Pimentel.
Physical Review D 97, 105029 (2018).
[21] Significant Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction at graphene-ferromagnet interfaces due to the Rashba effect
Hongxin Yang, Gong Chen, Alexandre A. C. Cotta, Alpha T. N’Diaye, Sergey A. Nikolaev, Edmar A. Soares, Waldemar A. A. Macedo, Kai Liu, Andreas K. Schmid, Albert Fert, Mairbek Chshiev.
Nature Materials 17, 605 (2018).
[22] Curved non-interacting two-dimensional electron gas with anisotropic mass
Pedro H. Souza, Edilberto O. Silva, Moises Rojas, Cleverson Filgueiras.
Annalen der Physik 530, 1800112 (2018); arXiv: 1803.10280.
[23] Can really regularized amplitudes be obtained as consistent with their expected symmetry properties
Orimar Antonio Battistel, Gilson Dallabona, Marcus Vinicios Fonseca, Luciana Ebani.
Journal of Modern Physics 9, 1153 (2018).
[24] Maghemite quantification and magnetic signature of Brazilian soils with contrasting parent materials
Giovana Clarice Poggere, Alberto Vasconcellos Inda, Vidal Barron, Nestor Kampf, Angela Dayana Barrera de Brito, Julierme Zimmer Barbosa, Nilton Curi.
Applied Clay Science 161, 385 (2018).
[25] Stable holey two-dimensional C_{2}N structures with tunable electronic structure
R. Longuinhos, J. Ribeiro-Soares.
Physical Review B 97, 195119 (2018).
[26] Heterobimetallic Dy-Cu coordination compound as a classical-quantum ferrimagnetic chain of regularly alternating Ising and Heisenberg spins
J. M. Torrico, J. Strecka, M. Hagiwara, O. Rojas, S. M. de Souza, Y. Han, Z. Honda, M. L. Lyra.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 460, 368 (2018); arXiv: 1804.01551v1.
[27] Direct Synthesis of Porous Carbon Materials Prepared from Diethyldithiocarbamate Metal Complexes and Their Electrochemical Behavior
Herculeano V. da Silva, Arilza O. Porto, Cristiano C. Caliman, Rubens L. de Freitas Filho, Alexandre A. C. Cotta, Waldemar A. A. Macedo, Ana Paula C. Teixeira.
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[28] Perturbative effective action for the photon in noncommutative QED_$2$ and exactness of Schwinger mass
M. Ghasemkhani, A. A. Varshovi, R. Bufalo.
Physical Review D 97, 065005 (2018); arXiv: 1707.09739v1.
[29] Canonical structure and extra mode of generalized unimodular gravity
R. Bufalo, Markku Oksanen.
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[30] Investigation on interface-related defects by photoluminescence of cubic (Al)GaN/AIN multi-quantum wells structures
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[31] Different Plant Biomasses Characterization for Biochar Production
Tais Regina Lima Abreu Veiga, José Tarcísio Lima, Anelise Lima de Abreu Dessimoni, Matheus Felipe Freire Pego, Jenaina Ribeiro Soares, Paulo Fernando Trugilho.
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[32] Non-conserved magnetization operator and “fire-and-ice” ground states in the Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain
Jordana Torrico, Vadim Ohanyan, Onofre Rojas.
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[33] One-pot synthesis of amine-funcionalized graphene oxide by microwave-assisted reactions: an outstanding alternative for supporting materials in supercapacitors
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[34] Tunable magnetism and spin-polarized electronic transport in graphene mediated by molecular functionalization of extended defects
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[35] Topological and non inertial effects on the interband light absorption
Moises Rojas, Cleverson Filgueiras, Julio Brandão, Fernando Moraes.
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[36] Quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions in one-dimensional models with nearest neighbor interactions
S. M. de Souza, Onofre Rojas.
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[1] Effective potential in Lorentz-breaking field theory models
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[2] Controlador de Demanda de Energia Elétrica Utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais
Mateus Coelho Vieira, Wilian Soares Lacerda, Joaquim Paulo da Silva.
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[3] Normalizability analysis of the generalized quantum electrodynamics from the causal point of view
R. Bufalo, B. M. Pimentel and D. E. Soto.
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[4] Inertial and topological effects on a 2D electron gas
J. Brandão, C. Filgueiras, Moises Rojas, Fernando Moraes.
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[5] Axion mass bound in very special relativity
R. Bufalo, S. Upadhyay.
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[6] Social Organization and the City: The role of space in the reduction of entropy
Vinicius M. Netto, Joao Meirelles, Fabiano L. Ribeiro.
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[7] Thermal entanglement in a spin-1/2 Ising-XYZ distorted diamond chain with the second-neighbor interaction between nodal Ising spins
Onofre Rojas, M. Rojas, S. M. de Souza, J. Torrico, J. Strecka, M. L. Lyra.
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[8] Effect of the Canting of Local Anisotropy Axes on Ground-State Properties of a Ferrimagnetic Chain with Regularly Alternating Ising and Heisenberg Spins
J. Torrico, M. L. Lyra, O. Rojas, S. M. de Souza, and J. Strecka.
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[9] Fractal Dimension and Universality in Avascular Tumor Growth
Fabiano L. Ribeiro, Renato Vieira dos Santos, Angelica S. Mata.
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[10] One-loop $betha$-function of noncommutative scalar QED_{4}
M. Ghasemkhani, R. Bufalo, V. Rahmanpour, E. Nouri.
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[11] BRST Quantization of Unimodular Gravity
S. Upadhyay, M. Oksanen, R. Bufalo.
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[12] Isotropic Effect on the Gel and Glass Formation of a Charged Colloidal Clay: Laponite
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[13] A model of urban scaling laws based on distance dependent interactions size
Fabiano L. Ribeiro, Joao Meirelles, Fernando F. Ferreira, Camilo Rodrigues Neto
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[14] An attempt to unify some population growth models from first principles
Fabiano L. Ribeiro
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 39, 1 (2017); arXiv:1605.06309.
[15] Entanglement of a two-atom system driven by the quantum vacuum in arbitrary cavity size
G. Flores-Hidalgo, M. Rojas, Onofre Rojas.
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[16] Geometrically frustrated Cairo pentagonal lattice stripe with Ising and Heisenberg exchange interactions
F. C. Rodrigues, S. M. Souza and Onofre Rojas.
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[17] Three-dimensional noncommutative Yukawa theory: Induced effective action and propagating modes
R. Bufalo and M. Ghasemkhani.
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[18] Scattering and bound states of a spin–1/2 neutral particle in the cosmic string spacetime
Edilberto O. Silva, Fabiano M. Andrade, Cleverson Filgueiras.
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[19] Torsion effects on Condensed Matter: like a magnetic field but not so much
Anderson A. Lima, Cleverson Filgueiras and Fernando Moraes.
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[20] Entangled state teleportation through a couple of quantum channels composed of XXZ dimers in an Ising-XXZ diamond chain
M. Rojas, S. M. de Souza, Onofre Rojas.
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[21] On the nature of the room temperature ferromagnetism in nanoparticulate co-doped ZnO thin films prepared by EB-PVD
Niko Churata Mamani, Rapael Tomaz da Silva, Angela Ortiz de Zevallos, Alexandre Alberto Chaves Cotta, Waldemar Augusto de Almeida Macedo, Máximo Sie Li, Maria Inês Basso Bernardi, Antonio Carlos Doriguetto, Hugo Bonette de Carvalho.
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[22] Ionic conductivity and mixed-ion effect on mixed alkali metaphosphate glasses
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[23] Relativistic quantum dynamics on a double cone
Felipe Azevedo Gomes, Edilberto Silva, Jonas Lima, Cleverson Filgueiras and Fernando Moraes.
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[24] An ab initio investigation of Bi_{2}Se_{3} topological insulator deposited on amorphous SiO_{2}
I. S. S. de Oliveira, W. L. Scopel, R. H. Miwa.
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[2] Tree-level equivalence between a Lorentz-violating extension of QED and its dual model in electron-electron scattering
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[3] Effects of quantum deformation on the integer quantum Hall effect
Fabiano M. Andrade, Edilberto O. Silva, Denise Assafrão, Cleverson Filgueiras.
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[4] Phenomenological implications of a predictive formulation of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model having tensor coupling and isospin symmetry breaking terms
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[5] Thermal effects of a photon gas with a deformed Heisenberg algebra
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[6] Landau quantization, Aharonov-Bohm effect and two-dimensional pseudoharmonic quantum dot around a screw dislocation
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[7] Ultra-weak Interlayer Coupling in Two-Dimensional Gallium Selenide
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[9] Thermal entanglement and sharp specific-heat peak in an exactly solved spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg ladder with alternating Ising and Heisenberg inter-leg couplings
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[10] Data Classification with Binary Response through Boosting Algorithm and Logistic Regression
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[11] Zero temperature non-plateau magnetization and magnetocaloric effect in Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure
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[12] Quantum decoration transformation for spin models
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[13] Effects of Oxygen Contamination on Monolayer GeSe: A computational study
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[15] Spin frustration of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg three-leg tube as an indispensable ground for thermal entanglement
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[16] Depth dependence of black carbon structure, elemental and microbiological composition in anthropic Amazonian dark soil
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[18] Synthesis, structural characterization and thermal properties of the Poly(methylmetacrilate)/d-FeOOH hybrid material: an experimental and theoretical study
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[19] Spin frustration and fermionic entanglement in an exactly solved hybrid diamond chain with the localized Ising spins and mobile electrons
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[1] Quantum motion of a point particle in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm potential in curved space
Edilberto O. Silva, Sérgio C. Ulhoa, Fabiano M. Andrade, Cleverson Filgueiras, R. G. G. Amorim.
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[2] Models for Allee effect based on physical principles
Renato Vieira dos Santos, Fabiano L. Ribeiro, Alexandre Souto Martinez.
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[3] Discreteness induced extinction
Renato Vieira dos Santos, Linaena Méricy da Silva.
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[4] 2DEG on a cylindrical shell with a screw dislocation
Cleverson Filgueiras, Edilberto O. Silva.
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[5] Use of collard green stalks as environmental enrichment for cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) kept in captivity
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[6] Structural analysis of polycrystalline graphene systems by Raman spectroscopy
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[7] Relativistic quantum dynamics of a neutral particle in external electric fields: An approach on effects of spin
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[8] Second harmonic generation in WSe2
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[9] Pyridine intercalated Bi2Se3 heterostructures: controlling the topologically protected states
I. S. S. de Oliveira and R. H. Miwa.
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[10] Degradation of organic compounds in a fenton system based on chitosan/Fe0/Fe2O3 composites: a theoretical and experimental study.
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[11] Thirty-year quest for structure-nucleation relationships in oxide glasses
E. D. Zanotto, J. E. Tsuchida, J. F. Schneider, H. Eckert.
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[12] A one dimensional model of population growth
Fabiano L. Ribeiro, Kayo N. Ribeiro.
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[13] Organic molecules deposited on grapheme: A computational investigation of self-assembly and electronic structure
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[14] Behaviour of cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) of two temperatures in captivity
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[15] Evaluation of sensory panels of consumers of specialty coffee beverages using boosting method in discriminant analysis
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[16] The $β$-expansion of the $D=1$ fermionic spinless Hubbard model off the half-filling regime
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[17] Enhanced mechanical stability of gold nanotips through carbon nanocone encapsulation
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[18] Group theory for structural analysis and lattice vibrations in phosphorene systems
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[19] On the absence of actual plateaus in zero-temperature magnetization curves of quantum spin clusters and chains
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[20] A non-phenomenological model of competition and cooperation to explain population growth behaviors
Fabiano L. Ribeiro.
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